Who are you
I'm a Vancouver area software developer with over 25 years of experience in the field, you can look at my resume if you're interested in my full experience. Over my career I've had a breadth of experiences across numerous fields, it's certainly been more colourful than I ever expected.
I've worked for startups, I've spent a few years in academia, I've worked in bioinformatics, natural language processing, machine learning, robotics (specifically Boston Dynamics' Spot), crypto, large ETL pipelines, digital commerce, high performance computing, it's been a wild ride. I've done from hardware to UI and everything in between, and most times I've gone in with zero background in the field, quickly learning what I needed. I've built teams, led teams, led projects from envisioning to delivery. I even spent some time working in England and China over my career. Anyhow...
What is this
You're starting a blog in 2025? Aren't you a little late to the game? I've had a blog in one form or another since the late 90s, though for the last 10 years it was hidden and dormant. When restarting this I looked through the old posts, none seemed particularly relevant for today, so they can stay in history.
This blog is half to document personal projects for myself, so I don't forget when I need to update things. And half to help anyone else who might be seeking similar answers. I like to tinker, I like to build, I'm definitely a grizzled old *nix hacker who's more comfortable in the terminal window. I think I've been linux on the desktop for as long as I've been in this field, though I do still miss OS/2 Warp...
Hopefully if you're here you've found something useful to help in whatever project you're working on. And if you'd like to collaborate on something or have an interesting opportunity you think I might be interested in, drop me a note.